It's nice to feel grateful
The below creators have made their work available for free on permissive licenses. We would like to convey our appreciation, support, and recommendation.
Our photos are powered by the Unsplash community
- Built environment photo on Home by CHUTTERSNAP
- Staircase photo on Home by Michelle Tan
- Staircase photo on Digital twin repository by Alessia Cocconi
- Staircase photo on Digital floor plans by Lindsay Henwood
- Culture page top photo by Nadine Shaabana
- Careers page top photo by Christin Hume
- Careers and Culture page bottom photo by Clay Banks
- Help centre bottom photo by Matthew Waring
- Photo on the right by Laura Chouette
- Email verified photo by Kelly Sikkema
- Synthesizer photo below by João Silas
- Cookie policy page photo by Chaman Raj
- Privacy policy page photo by Erik Mclean
- Terms of use page photo by Marylou Fortier

Our videos use soundtracks from these composers
- Digital twin video soundtrack by Amaksi on Pixabay
- Demo video soundtrack by A Himitsu on BentenSound
- Full demo video soundtrack by Eugenio Mininni on Mixkit
- Ad campaign soundtrack by David Fesliyan on FesliyanStudios
Service providers that we have used and are happy to recommend
Many internet businesses today are powered by external financing and focused on growth at the cost of sustainability. At Smplrspace, we resonate, respect, and feel motivated when we chance upon smaller companies that are focused on delivering quality services at a fair price and are in it for the long run. Here are a few companies that we can recommend.
- Missive powers our emails and support channels. Highly recommended. Use our referral.
- Fathom is our privacy-focused analytics solution. Get $10 credits with our referral.
- Postmark is our transactional email service. Contact their support team and ask for the "Friends & Family Discount" from Smplrspace to get one month off.
- iubenda offers digital solutions to manage your legal requirements such as privacy policies, terms and conditions, cookie banners, etc. Get 10% off your first year with our referral.
- Webalys is an indie designer / maker house creating amazing graphic assets.